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Turing Machines

Summarized notes from Introduction to Theory of Computation, Chapter 3

Differ from finite automata in following ways:

  • can read and write on the tape

  • read-write head can move left and right

  • the tape is infinite (unrestricted and unlimited memory access)

  • accepting and rejecting states take effect immediately

  • configuration: { current state, tape symbol, head location }

    • can be written as \(uqv\) where current state is \(q\), current tape content is \(uv\) and current head location is the first symbol of \(v\), e.g. \(1011q_70111\)
  • evaluation of input has 3 possible outcomes: accept, reject, or loop
    • decider machines always halt and either accept or reject
    • the language recognized by \(M\) is \(L(M)\)
  • \(M\) accepts input \(w\) is a sequence of configurations \(C_1, C_2, \dots, C_k\) exists where
    • \(C_1\) is the start configuration of \(M\) on input \(w\)
    • each \(C_i\) yields \(C_{i+1}\)
    • \(C_k\) is an accepting configuration

Formal Definition

It is not typical to define TM in this level of detail; it is sufficient to describe the operations of the machine or simply the algorithm and trust that the machine can simulate it.

7-tuple \(M = (Q, \Sigma, \Gamma, \delta, q_0, q_{\text{accept}}, q_{\text{reject}})\) where

\(Q\) finite set of states
\(\Sigma\) finite input alphabet (without blank symbol)
\(\Gamma\) finite tape alphabet (includes blank symbol and \(\Sigma \subseteq \Gamma\)
\(\delta: Q \times \Gamma \rightarrow Q \times \Gamma \times \{L, R\}\) transition function
\(q_0 \in Q\) start state
\(q_{\text{accept}} \in Q\) accept state
\(q_{\text{reject}} \in Q\) reject state \(q_{\text{accept}} \neq q_{\text{reject}}\)

Recognizers and deciders


A language is Turing-recognizable if some Turing machine recognizes it.


A language is decidable if some Turing machine decides it.


  • every decidable language is Turing-recognizable
  • recognizers are more powerful than deciders
  • if both a language and its complement are Turing-recognizable, the language is decidable
  • language is co-Turing-recognizable if it is the complement of a Turing-recognizable language

Relationship between languages

Some variants

The original model and reasonable variants (e.g. finite amount of work/step)
have same computational power. The following are all equivalent to the original model:

Machine Description
stay machine does not have to move left or right at each step, can stay in place: \(\delta: Q \times \Gamma \rightarrow Q \times \Gamma \times \{L, R, S\}\)
multitape multiple tapes and each tape has own read/write head which move simultaneously, initial input is on tape 1
nondeterministic at each step the computation may proceed according to several possibilities: \(\delta: Q \times \Gamma \rightarrow \mathcal{P}(Q \times \Gamma \times \{L, R\})\)
enumerator machine with an attached printer for producing output; the enumerated language is the strings eventually printed by the machine

Other unequal alternative models:

  • Linear bounded automaton (LBA)

    • restricted TM where the head is not allowed to move off the portion of tape containing input; attempt to move outside the tape causes the head to stay
    • LBA can decide every CFL; some decidable languages cannot be decided by LBA
  • Oracle Turing machine

    • modified Turing machine that has the additional capability of querying an oracle
    • oracle is an external device that is capable of reporting whether any string w is a member of language L
    • can decide more languages than an ordinary Turing machine can