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22. Cubes

Mar 29, 2021

Measuring Performance

of a message passing system

There are 3 factors to consider:

  • (1) message delay = latency
  • (2) number of messages
  • (3) local computation

Time in a message passing system means = message delay + local computation

  • broadcast latency is \(\Theta(N)\)
  • delays vary by algorithms (measured as \(d\)), e.g.
    • ABD performs 1 round communications (2 delays/round)
    • ERATO takes 1.5 rounds (3 delays/round)


Architectures Comparison

  • \(W_{PRAM} = P \cdot T_P\)
  • \(W_{SIM} = P \cdot T_P \cdot L\) where \(L\) is the simulation latency

3D Cube

  • overhead: \(\sqrt[3]{P}\)
  • HW cost: \(HW\$ = \Theta(P) + \Theta(6P) = \Theta(P)\)
  • Latency: \(L = 3 \sqrt[3]{P} - 3\)


\(d\) \(L\) \(HW\$\) Wires/P Wires/Total
1 \(1 \cdot (P-1)\) P 2 \(2P\)
2 \(2 \cdot (\sqrt{P}-1)\) P 4 \(4P\)
3 \(3 \cdot (\sqrt[3]{P}-1)\) P 6 \(6P\)
\(\vdots\) \(\vdots\) \(\vdots\) \(\vdots\) \(\vdots\)
\(d\) \(d \cdot (\sqrt[d]{P}-1)\) P \(2d\) \(2d \cdot P\)

How small can \(\sqrt[d]{P}\) be?

When \(d \to \infty\) then \(L \to 0\)

\(\sqrt[d]{P} - 1 = 1\)

\(\sqrt[d]{P} = 2\)

\(P = 2^2\)

\(d = \log P\)

Must be at least \(\geq 1\).


d P name
0 \(P = 2^0 = 1\) img empty string \(\lambda\)
1 \(P = 2^1 = 2\) img 0 ... 1
2 \(P = 2^2 = 4\) img 00 ... 11
3 \(P = 2^3 = 8\) img 000 ... 111

Any hypercube is a multidimensional grid; not all grids are hypercubes.

Hypercube is logarithmically efficient for simulation:

  • great in proctice
  • cost in scalability
  • number of wires is \(2\log_2P\)
  • need to add ports to connect processors

Length of node name is \(| name | = \log_2P\)

Cube-Connected Cycles


Hypercube of P nodes

  • \(P \log P\) nodes and 3 wires/processor
  • number of wires is not dependent on P anymore.

This works in other dimensions for hypercubes e.g. 8 node hypercube becomes 24 nodes. Number of wires per processor is 3.


Routing is more complicated now, e.g. routing from 000 to 111


  • diameter of graph: max of any distance between two nodes
  • diameter of hypercube = \(d\)
  • diameter of CCC = \(O(d^2)\)
  • \(|name| = \log_2P + \log_2 \log_2P\)