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Summarized notes from Introduction to Data Mining (Int'l ed), Chapter 5

  • Basic clustering problem

    • given: set of objects \(X\), inter-object distances \(D(x,y) = D(y,x) \enspace x,y \in X\)
    • output: partition \(P_D(x) = P_D(y)\) if \(x,y\) are in the same cluster
  • divide data into meaningful and/or useful groups, to describe or summarize data

    • clusters describe data instances with similar characteristics
    • ideally: small distance between points in cluster; long distance between clusters
  • Some utility applications: data summarization, compression, efficiency in finding nearest neighbors

  • clustering problem is very much driven by specific choice of algorithm

Clustering techniques

  • based on nesting of clusters:

    • partitional (un-nested): divides data into non-overlapping clusters such that each instance is in exactly one cluster
    • hierarchical (nested): clusters are permitted to have sub-clusters; can be visualized as a tree
  • based on count of instance memberships:

    • exclusive: each instance belongs to a single cluster
    • overlapping / non-exclusive: instance can belong to more than one cluster
    • fuzzy / soft: (probabilistic) instances membership in each cluster is determined by weigh 0-1, and typical additional constrain requires sum of weights equal to 1 => convert fuzzy to exclusive by assigning each object to cluster with highest weight
  • based on instance membership in any cluster:

    • complete: each instance is assigned to some cluster
    • partial: not all instances are assigned a cluster; primary motivations include omitting noise and outliers

Types of clusters

  • well-separated: the distance between clusters is larger than distance between any two points within a cluster

  • prototype-based / center-based: prototype defines a cluster and each object in cluster is closer to prototype that defines the cluster than to prototype of any other cluster; the prototype may be actual record or the calculated centroid

  • contiguity-based / nearest neighbor / transitive: each point in a cluster is closer (or more similar) to one or more other points in the cluster than to any point not in the cluster.

  • graph-based: nodes represent data objects, and edges their connections; cluster is a connected component where each node is connected within cluster but there are no connections to outside the cluster => when nodes are strongly connected, then the nodes form a clique

  • density-based: cluster is dense region surrounded by a region of low density => useful strategy when clusters are irregular, intertwined or when noise or outliers are present

  • shared-property/conceptual clusters: objects in a cluster share some common property; this encompasses all of the above, but enables defining clusters not covered by previous definitions.


Clustering properties

  • Richness: for any assignment of objects to clusters there is some distance matrix \(D\) such that \(P_D\) returns that clustering \(\forall C \enspace \exists D \enspace P_D = C\)

  • Scale-invariance: scaling distances by a positive value does not change the clustering \(\forall D \enspace \forall_{K>0} \enspace P_D = P_{KD}\)

  • Consistency: shrinking intra-cluster distances and expanding inter-cluster distance does not change the clustering \(P_D = P_{D'}\)

Impossibility theorem: no clustering algorithm can have all 3 properties.

Other considerations:

  • order dependence: whether results differ based on the order of processing of data points
  • nondeterminism: whether different runs give different results
  • scalability: how large datasets the clustering algorithm can reasonably handle
  • parameter selection: number of parameters and selection of optimal parameter values


Algorithm Description Category Time Complexity (optimal) Space Complexity
K-means Find \(K\) clusters represented by centroids prototype-based, partitional, complete \(O(IKmn)\) \(O((m + K) n)\)
Agglomerative hierarchical clustering Find hierarchical clusters by merging clusters prototype-based / graph-based, hierarchical, complete \(O(m^2 \lg(m))\) \(O(m^2)\)
DBSCAN Cluster by density, ignoring low-density regions Density-based, partitional, partial \(O(m \log m)\) \(O(m)\)
Fuzzy C-means Points have weighted membership in clusters prototype-based, partitional, fuzzy \(O(LKI)\) \(O(LK)\)

where: \(m\) = number of points (records); \(n\) = number of attributes; \(I\) = number of iterations until convergence; \(K\) = number of clusters, \(L\) is the number of links

Also see:

Cluster Validation

Some considerations:

  • clustering tendency - distinguishing if non-random structure actually exists in the data
  • determining correct number of clusters
  • Evaluating how well the results of a cluster analysis fit the data without reference to external information.
  • Comparing the results of a cluster analysis to externally known results, such as externally provided class labels.
  • Comparing two sets of clusters to determine which is better

Defining cluster evaluation metrics is difficult, there are 3 general categories:

  1. unsupervised: measure goodness without reference to external information (e.g. SSE); two subclasses:

    • cohesion: compactness, tightness - how closely related objects in a cluster are
    • separation: isolation - how distinct or well-separated clusters are
  2. supervised: measures the extent to which the clustering structure discovered by a clustering algorithm matches some external structure (e.g. entropy of class labels compared to known class labels)

  3. relative: Compares different clusterings or clusters, using either supervised or unsupervised metrics


Cohesion and separation

  • for graph-based view of cohesion/separation:

    • \(\displaystyle \text{cohesion}(C_i)\) = \(\sum_{x \in C_i, y \in C_i} proximity(x, y)\)
    • \(\displaystyle \text{separation}(C_i, C_j)\) = \(\sum_{x \in C_i, y \in C_j} proximity(x, y)\)
  • proximity function can be similarity or dissimilarity

  • If clusters have prototype (centroid or menoid)

    • cohesion and separation can be defined as distance from prototype:
      \(\displaystyle \text{cluster SSE}\) = \(\sum_i \sum_{x \in C_i} distance(c_i, x)^2\)

    • Group sum of squares (SSB) measures distance between clusters
      \(\displaystyle \text{Total SSB}\) = \(\sum_{i=1}^{K} m_i \times distance(c_i, c)^2\)

The result of cohesion/separation can be used to improve clustering by merging or splitting clusters

Silhouette Coefficient

  • Evaluation metric for evaluating points in a cluster. Steps:

    • Calculate \(a_i\), which is the average distance from object \(i\) to all other objects in its cluster

    • Calculate \(b_i\), which is the minimum average distance from object \(i\) and objects in any cluster not containing \(i\)

    • The silhouette coefficient is: \(s_i = (b_i - a_i)/max(a_i, b_i)\)

  • The range of coefficient is -1 to 1. Negative value is bad; as high as possible is good (obtained when \(a_i=0\)).

  • Cluster S.C. can be computed by taking the average S.C. of its points
  • Does not work well on arbitrary shapes.

Cophenetic Correlation Coefficient (CPCC)

Cophenetic Correlation Coefficient (CPCC) metric is for evaluating hierarchical clustering

  • cophenetic distance between two objects is the proximity at which an agglomerative hierarchical clustering technique puts the objects in the same cluster for the first time
  • CPCC calculates the difference between cophenetic distance and original distance matrix


  • supervised methods include knowing the real cluster data labels
  • can help establish "ground truth" for clustering results
  • similar metrics can be defined for precision, recall and F-measure


  • measure the degree of clusters matching known class labels

  • For a set of clusters, \(e\):

    \(\displaystyle e = \sum_{i=1}^{K} \frac{m_i}{m} e_i\)

  • For individual cluster, \(e_i\):

    \(\displaystyle e_i = -\sum_{j=1}^{L} p_{ij} \lg p_{ij}\)


    • \(L\) is number of classes
    • \(p_{ij} = m_{ij}/m_i\)
    • \(m_i\) is number of objects in cluster \(i\)
    • \(m_{ij}\) is number of objects of class \(j\) in cluster \(i\)


  • the maximum \(p_{ij}\) for a cluster
  • overall purity of a cluster is

    \(\displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^{K} \frac{m_i}{m} max_j(p_{ij})\)