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Regular Languages

Summarized notes from Introduction to Theory of Computation, Chapter 1

  • recognized equivalently by: DFA, NFA, regular expressions
  • closed under union, concatenation, star operation:
    • union: \(A \cup B = \{ x | x \in A \text{ or } x \in B \}\)
    • concatenation: \(A \circ B = \{ xy | x \in A \text{ and } y \in B \}\)
    • star: \(A^* = \{ x_1x_2...x_k | k \geq 0 \text{ and each } x_i \in A \}\)
  • satisfy pumping lemma → otherwise nonregular
  • finite automaton is the simplest computational model => limited memory but can recognize patterns in data

Deterministic finite automaton (DFA)

5-tuple \((Q, \Sigma, \delta, q_0, F)\)

\(Q\) states (finite set)
\(\Sigma\) alphabet (finite set)
\(\delta: Q \times \Sigma \rightarrow Q\) transition function
\(q_0 \in Q\) start state
\(F \subseteq Q\) set of accept (or final) states

Nondeterministic finite automaton (NFA)

5-tuple \((Q, \Sigma, \delta, q_0, F)\)

\(Q\) states (finite set)
\(\Sigma\) alphabet (finite set)
\(\delta: Q \times \Sigma_{\epsilon} \rightarrow P(Q)\) transition function
\(q_0 \in Q\) start state
\(F \subseteq Q\) set of accept (or final) states

where \(\Sigma_\epsilon\) is \(\Sigma \cup \{ \epsilon \}\) and \(P(Q)\) is the power set of \(Q\).

Regular expression

\(R\) is a regular expression if \(R\) is:

1. \(a\) for some \(a\) in alphabet \(\Sigma\),
2. \(\epsilon\) (empty string),
3. \(\emptyset\) (empty set),
4. \((R_1 \cup R_2)\), where \(R_1\) and \(R_2\) are regular expressions,
5. \((R_1 \circ R_2)\), where \(R_1\) and \(R_2\) are regular expressions, or
6. \((R^*_1)\) where \(R_1\) is a regular expression

Generalized nondeterministic finite automaton (GNFA)

  • reads blocks symbols from input
  • may have any regular expressions as transition labels (or \(\epsilon\), members of \(\Sigma\))
  • start state: transition arrows to every other state, no incoming arrows
  • single accept state: has incoming arrows from every other state, no outgoing arrows
  • all other states (except start and accept): one arrow to every other state and to itself

5-tuple \((Q, \Sigma, \delta, q_{start}, q_{accept})\):

\(Q\) states (finite set)
\(\Sigma\) input alphabet
\(\delta: (Q - \{ q_{accept}\} \times Q - \{ q_{start}\}) \rightarrow R\) transition function
\(q_{start}\) start state
\(q_{accept}\) accept state

Pumping lemma

If \(A\) is a regular language, then there is a number \(p\) (the pumping length) where if \(s\) is any string in \(A\) of length at least \(p\), then \(s\) may be divided into three pieces, \(s = xyz\), satisfying the following conditions:

  1. for each \(i ≥ 0, xy^{i}z ∈ A\),
  2. \(|y| > 0\), and
  3. \(|xy| ≤ p\).