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23. NP-Complete

Mar 29/31, 2022

Polynomial time reductions

Polynomial computable function \(f\): there exists a Turing machine \(M\) such that for any string \(w\) computes \(f(w)\) in polynomial tine \(O(|w|^k)\).

Observation: the length of \(f(w)\) is bounded \(|f(w)| = O(|w|^k)\), since \(M\) cannot use more than \(O(|w|^k)\) tape space in time \(O(|w|^k)\).

Definition. Language A is polynomial time reducible to language B if there is a polynomial computable function \(f\) such that \(w \in a \Leftrightarrow f(w) \in B\).

Theorem. Suppose that \(A\) is polynomial time reducible to \(B\). If \(B \in P\) then \(A \in P\).

Proof. Let \(M\) be the machine that decides B in polynomial time. Construct machine \(M^{'}\) to decide \(A\) in polynomial time. On input string \(w\):

  1. Compute \(f(w)\)
  2. Run \(M\) on input \(f(w)\)
  3. If \(f(w) \in B\) then accept \(w\).

Reducing 3CNF to CLIQUE


  • each clause has 3 literals e.g. \((x_1 \lor \overline{x_2} \lor \overline{x_3}) \land (x_3 \lor \overline{x_5} \lor x_6) \land \dots\)
  • language: 3CNF-SAT = { \(w\) : \(w\) is a satisfiable 3CNF formula }


  • Language: CLIQUE = { \(<\) \(G,k\) \(>\): graph \(G\) contains a \(k\)-clique }

Theorem: 3CNF-SAT is P-time reducible to CLIQUE

Proof. give a polynomial time reduction of one problem to another.

Transform formula to graph: if formula is satisfied, graph will have k-size clique \(\Leftrightarrow\) is graph has \(k\)-size clique, then formula is satisfiable. Steps:

  1. for each 3CNF clause, create a node for each of its variables
  2. Add a link from a literal \(l\) to a literal in every other clause, except its complement \(\overline{l}\)
  3. The formula is satisfied iff the graph has a k-clique

NP-Complete languages

We define the class of NP-complete languages:

│      Decidable       │
│ ╭—————————————————╮  │
│ │       NP        │  │
│ │ ╭—————————————╮ │  │
│ │ │ NP-Complete │ │  │
│ │ ╰—————————————╯ │  │
│ ╰—————————————————╯  │

Every problem in NP can be transformed in P time to any NP-complete problem, i.e. a language \(L\) is NP-complete if: (1) L is in NP and (2) every language in NP is reduced to L in P-time. If a NP-complete language is proven to be in P, then P=NP.

Theorem. If language \(A\) is NP-complete, and language \(B\) is in NP, and \(A\) is polynomial time reducible to \(B\) => then \(B\) is NP-complete.

Proof. Any language \(L\) in NP is polynomial time reducible to \(A\). Thus \(L\) is polynomial time reducible to \(B\).

Cook-Levin Theorem

Language SAT (satisfiability problem) is NP-complete.

Proof. Part 1: SAT is in NP (proven previously). Part 2: reduce all NP languages to the SAT problem in polynomial time.

Take an arbitrary language \(L \in NP\). We will give a P-time reduction of \(L\) to SAT. Let \(M\) be nondeterministic TM that decides L in P-time.

Provable by construction: for any string \(w\), we can construct in P-time a Boolean expression \(\phi(M,w)\) such that \(w \in L \Leftrightarrow \phi(M,w)\) is satisfiable.

  • SAT is free-form Boolean expression

  • CNF (conjunctive normal form) contains clauses of Boolean expressions

    • 3CNF is case of exactly 3 literals in each clause
    • CNF form can be converted to 3CNF in P time
  • SAT, CNF-SAT, 3CNF-SAT are NP-complete languages => known as NP-languages