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21. Post-Correspondence

Mar 22, 2022

We need a tool to prove some CFL problems are undecidable => the post correspondence (PC) problem.

The PC Problem

  • input: two sets of \(n\) strings: \(A = w_1, w_2, \dots, w_n\) and \(B= v_1, v_2,\dots, v_n\)
  • there is a post correspondence solution is there is a sequence \(i, j,\dots, k\) such that \(w_i,w_j \dots w_k = v_i,v_j \dots v_k\) (indices may be repeated or omitted)


     w1   w2    w3           v1   v2    v3
A : 100   11    111     B:  001  111    11

PC-solution I: 2,1,3    w2w1w3 = v2v1v3  => 11100111
PC-solution II: 2,3     w2w3   = v2v3    => 11111
     w1   w2    w3           v1   v2    v3
A :  00   001   1000     B:  0    11    011

This example has no solution, because strings from B 
is smaller than total length of strings from A.

Modified PC Problem

  • input: two sets of \(n\) strings: \(A = w_1, w_2, \dots, w_n\) and \(B= v_1, v_2,\dots, v_n\)
  • MPC solution: \(1, i, j,\dots, k\) => \(w_1,w_i,w_j \dots w_k = v_1,v_i,v_j \dots v_k\)


     w1   w2    w3           v1   v2    v3
A :  11   111   100      B:  111  11    001

PC-solution:  1,3,2   w1w3w2 = v1v3v2  => 11100111

We can show:

  1. MPC problem is undecidable by reducing the membership problem to MCP.
  2. The PC problem is undecidable by reducing MPC to PC.

MPC is undecidable

Theorem: The MPC problem is undecidable.

Proof. We will reduce the membership problem to the MPC problem.

Membership problem:

  • input is Turing machine \(M\) and string \(w\) => question \(w \in L(M)\)? => undecidable
  • change it to: input unrestricted grammar \(G\) (equivalent to TM) and string \(w\) => question \(w \in L(M)\)? => undecidable

Suppose we have a decider for the MPC problem. Then:

string sequences \(<A,B>\) => MPC problem decider => MPC solution (YES/NO)

We build a decider for the membership problem:

string sequences \(<G,w>\) => MPC problem decider => \(w \in L(G)\) (YES/NO)

Reduction of the membership problem to the MPC problem:

              Membership problem decider
 G ---> | reduction |-----A----> | MPC      |---> yes 
 w ---> |           |-----B----> | decider  |---> no

Show that reduction exists then problem is decidable => this is a contradiction.

Reduction: Convert grammar \(G\) and string \(w\) to sets of strings \(A\) and \(B\), such that \(G\) generates \(w\) \(\Leftrightarrow\) there is a MPC solution for \(A, B\).

How to build reduction:

  • Left: how to build a, b
  • Right: Grammar G productions
  • a,b generate the derivation of \(w\)
\(A\) \(B\) Grammar \(G\)
\(FS \Rightarrow\) \(F\) \(S\): start variable, \(F\): special symbol
\(a\) \(a\) for every symbol \(a\)
\(V\) \(V\) for every variable \(V\)
\(E\) \(\Rightarrow wE\) string \(w\), \(E\): special symbol
\(y\) \(x\) For every production \(x \rightarrow y\)
\(\Rightarrow\) \(\Rightarrow\)


  • Grammar \(G\):

    \(S \rightarrow aABb\) | \(Bbb\)
    \(Bb \rightarrow C\)
    \(AC \rightarrow aac\)

  • string \(w = aaac\)

\(A\) \(B\) \(A\) \(B\)
\(w_1 : FS \Rightarrow\) \(v_1 : F\) \(w_8 : S\) \(v_8 : S\)
\(w_2 : a\) \(v_2 : a\) \(w_9 : E\) \(v_9\) : \(\Rightarrow aaacE\)
\(w_3 : b\) \(v_3 : b\) \(w_{10}\) : \(aABb\) \(v_{10}\) : \(S\)
\(w_4 : c\) \(v_4 : c\) \(w_{11}\) : \(Bbb\) \(v_{11}\) : \(S\)
\(w_5 : A\) \(v_5 : A\) \(w_{12}\) : \(C\) \(v_{12}\) : \(Bb\)
\(w_6 : B\) \(v_6 : B\) \(w_{13}\) : \(aac\) \(v_{13}\) : \(AC\)
\(w_7 : C\) \(v_7 : C\) \(w_{14}\) : \(\Rightarrow\) \(v_{14}\) : \(\Rightarrow\)

\(w = aaac \in L(G)\)   \(S \Rightarrow aABb \Rightarrow aAc \Rightarrow aaac\)

Derivation: \(s\)

A:  |     w1     |    w10     |w14 |w2 |w5|w12 | w14 |w2 |  w13   | w9 | 
     F    S   =>   a   A  B b  =>   a    A  C    =>    a   a a c    E
B:  |v1| v10|v14 |v2 |v5 |v12 |v14 |v2 | v13   |        v9             |

It can be shown that \((A,B)\) has a MPC solution \(\Leftrightarrow\) \(w \in L(G)\).

              Membership problem decider
 G ---> | construct |-----A----> | MPC      |---> yes 
 w ---> |   A,B     |-----B----> | decider  |---> no

=> Since the membership problem is undecidable the MPC problem is undecidable.

PC is undecidable

Theorem: The PC problem is undecidable.

Proof. We will reduce the MPC problem to the PC problem.

Suppose we have a decider for the PC problem:

String sequences \(<C,D>\) => PC problem decider => PC solution (YES/NO)

We build a decider for the MPC problem:

String sequences \(<A,B>\) => MPC problem decider => MPC solution (YES/NO)

Reduction of the MPC problem to the PC problem:

                MPC problem decider
 A ---> | reduction |-----C----> | PC       |---> yes 
 B ---> |           |-----D----> | decider  |---> no

Translate \(<A,B>\) input to the MPC problem to \(<C,D>\) input to the PC problem:

  • \(A = w_1, w_2, \dots, w_n\)   \(B= v_1, v_2,\dots, v_n\)

  • \(C = w_1^{'}, w_2^{'}, \dots, w_n^{'}, w_{n+1}^{'}\)   \(D= v_1^{'}, v_2^{'},\dots, v_n^{'},v_{n+1}^{'}\)

  • for each \(i\) in A: \(w_i = \sigma_1\sigma_2\dots\sigma_k\) => replace in C: \(w_i^{'} = \sigma_1^{*}\sigma_2^{*}\dots\sigma_k^{*}\)

  • for each \(i\) in B: \(w_i = \pi_1\pi_2\dots\pi_k\) => replace in C: \(v_i^{'} = *\pi_1*\pi_2 * \dots * \pi_k\)

  • PC solution has to start with \(w_1^{'}\) and \(v_1^{'}\)

    • PC solution C = D: \(w_1^{'}, w_2^{'}, \dots, w_n^{'}, w_{n+1}^{'} = v_1^{'}, v_2^{'},\dots, v_n^{'},v_{n+1}^{'}\)
    • MPC solution A = B: \(w_1, w_2, \dots, w_n = v_1, v_2,\dots, v_n\)
  • => \(<C,D>\) has a solution if and only if \(<A,B>\) has a MPC solution

              MPC problem decider
 A ---> | construct |-----C----> | PC       |---> yes 
 B ---> |   C,D     |-----D----> | decider  |---> no

Since MPC problem is undecidable, the PC problem is undecidable.

CFL reductions

  1. for context-free grammars \(G_1\) and \(G_2\), is \(L(G_1) \cap L(G_2) = \emptyset\)
  2. is context-free grammar \(G\) ambiguous?

=> reduce PC problem to these problems to prove these are undecidable.

example 1: intersection problem

Suppose we have a decider for intersection problem:

\(<G_1, G_2>\) => empty-intersection decider => YES/NO

We build a decider for PC problem: \(<A,B>\) => PC decider => PC solution YES/NO

To reduce, we need to concert input instance \(<A,B>\) to \(<G_1, G_2>\).

Introduce new unique symbols: \(a_1, a_2, \dots, a_n\)

  • Grammar 1 (A):

    • \(A = w_1,w_2, \dots, w_n\)
    • \(L_A = \{ s: s = w_iw_j \dots w_ka_k\dots a_ja_i\}\)
    • CFG: \(G_A: S_A \rightarrow w_iS_Aa_i | w_ia_i\)
  • Grammar 2 (B):

    • \(B = v_1,v_2, \dots,v_n\)
    • \(L_B = \{ s: s = v_iv_j \dots v_ka_k\dots a_ja_i\}\)
    • CFG: \(G_B: S_B \rightarrow v_iS_Ba_i | v_ia_i\)

If \((A,B)\) has a PC solution \(\Leftrightarrow\) \(L(G_1) \cap L(G_2) \neq \emptyset\)

  • \(L(G_1) \cap L(G_2) \neq \emptyset\) => \(s = w_iw_j \dots w_ka_k\dots a_ja_i\) and \(s = v_iv_j \dots v_ka_k\dots a_ja_i\)
  • Because \(a_1, a_2, \dots, a_n\) are unique, there isa PC solution \(w_iw_j \dots w_k = v_iv_j\dots v_k\)
              PC problem decider
 A ---> | construct |---G_A---> | Int.sec  |---> yes 
 B ---> |   CFGs    |---G_B---> | decider  |---> no

Since PC problem is undecidable, the intersection problem is undecidable.

example 2: ambiguous grammar

For context-free grammar \(G\) it is undecidable to determine if \(G\) is ambiguous.

Proof. reduce PC problem to this problem.

              PC problem decider
 A ---> | construct |    G      | ambig.   |---> yes 
 B ---> |   CFG     |---------> | decider  |---> no

\(S_A\) is start variable of \(G_A\) and \(S_B\) is start variable of \(G_B\)

=> \(S\) is start variable of \(G\)   \(S \rightarrow S_A | S_B\)

If \((A,B)\) has a PC solution \(\Leftrightarrow\) \(L(G_1) \cap L(G_2) \neq \emptyset\) \(\Leftrightarrow\) \(G\) is ambiguous.