1. Languages
Jan 11/13, 2022
- distinguished by temporal memory
- finite automata: no temporary memory
- pushdown automata: stack
- Turing machines: random access
- more flexible memory → able to solve more computational problems:
1 2 |
- Turing machine is the most powerful known computational model, though cannot solve all computational problems
- language is a set of strings
- string is a sequence of symbols from the alphabet
- alphabet \(\Sigma\) is a set of symbols e.g. \(\Sigma = \{a,b\}\) (non-empty)
- operations: concatenation (\(wv\)), reverse (\(w^R\)), exponent (\(w^n\))
- length: \(|w|\) → length of concat: \(|uv| = |u| + |v|\)
- empty string: \(\epsilon\) or \(\lambda\)
- note: \(|\epsilon| = 0\), \(\epsilon w = w \epsilon = w\), \(w^0 = \epsilon\)
- star \(\Sigma^*\) operation: all possible strings from the alphabet (including \(\epsilon\))
- e.g. \(\Sigma = \{a,b\}\) => \(\Sigma^* = \{\epsilon, a,b,aa,ab,ba,bb,aaa,aab,...\}\)
- language over alphabet \(\Sigma\) is any subset of \(\Sigma^*\)
- \(\Sigma^+ = \Sigma^* - \{\epsilon\}\)
language problems are membership problems => does string belong to language
Two special languages:
- empty language {} or Ø => size \(|\{\}| = 0\)
- empty string language \(\{\epsilon \}\) => size \(|\{\epsilon \}| = 1\), string length \(|\epsilon| = 0\)
- union: \(L_1 \cup L_2\), intersection: \(L_1 \cap L_2\), difference \(L_1 - L_2\)
- complement: \(\bar{L} = \Sigma^* - L\)
- reverse: \(L^R = \{ w^R : w \in L \}\)
- concatenation: \(L_1 L_2 = \{xy: x \in L_1, y \in L_2\}\)
- \(L^n\) (or "L n times")
- e.g. \(\{a,b\}^3 = \{a,b\}\{a,b\}\{a,b\} = \{aaa, aab, aba, abb, baa, bab, bba...\}\)
- e.g. \(L = \{a^nb^n: n \geq 0\}\) then \(L^2 = \{a^nb^na^mb^m: n,m \geq 0\}\)
- special case: \(L^0 = \{ \epsilon \}\)
- Star closure / Kleene *: \(L^* = L^0 \cup L^1 \cup L^2 \cup ...\)
\{a, bb\}^* =
\epsilon, & (L_0)\\
a, bb, & (L_1)\\
aa, abb, bba, bbbb, & (L_2) \\
aaa, aabb, abba, abbbb, ... & (L_3)
- Positive closure: \(L^+ = L^1 \cup L^2 \cup ...\)
- note: \(L^* = L^0 \cup L^+\)
\{a, bb\}^+ =
a, bb, & (L_1)\\
aa, abb, bba, bbbb, & (L_2) \\
aaa, aabb, abba, abbbb, ... & (L_3)