Dijkstra's Algorithm
Summarized notes on Introduction to Algorithms, Chapter 24
- input is weighted, directed graph where edge weights are nonnegative
- depending on implementation, can be faster than Bellman-Ford
- idea: maintain set \(S\) of vertices whose shortest path weights from \(s\) are already determined
- maintains loop invariant \(Q = V - S\)
- initially \(S\) is empty set
- \(u\) has the smallest shortest-path estimate of any vertex in \(V-S\)
- on each iteration add \(u\) to \(S\)
- Running time depends on implementation of priority queue
Pseudo code implementation
| Dijkstra(G, w, s)
Initialize-single-source(G, s)
S = emptyset
Q = G.V
while Q != emptyset
u = Extract-min(Q)
S = S union {u}
for each vertex in G.adj[u]
Relax(u, v, w)
Running Time |
\(O(V^2)\) |
array as queue |
\(O(E \lg V)\) |
binary min-heap |
\(O(V \lg V + E)\) |
Fibonacci heap |