Ford-Fulkerson Method
Summarized notes on Introduction to Algorithms, Chapter 26
- many implementations with varying running times → "method" not "algorithm"
- 3 core ideas: residual networks, augmenting paths, cuts
- iteratively increases the value of the flow
- initially each edge has flow value 0
- on each iteration increase flow value by finding augmenting path in residual network \(G_f\)
- overall flow increases on each iteration; flows on specific edges may increase or decrease
- augment the flow until residual network has no more augmenting paths
- on termination this process yields a maximum flow
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Residual networks
- \(G_f\) consists of edges with capacities that represent how we can change the flow on edges in \(G\)
- Only edges in \(G_f\) are those that can admit more flow → edges of \(G\) that equal their capacity are not in \(G_f\)
- \(G_f\) may contain edges that are not in \(G\):
- when flow value needs to decrease place edge \((v, u)\) in \(G_f\) with capacity \(c_f = f(u, v)\)
- residual edges allow sending back flow that has been sent along an edge
- residual capacity formal definition:
- \(c_f = c(u,v) - f(u,v)\) if \((u,v) \in E\)
- \(c_f = f(v,u)\) if \((v, u) \in E\)
- \(c_f = 0\) otherwise
- note: only one can be true since no reverse edges!
- residual network if \(G_f = (V, E_f)\) where
- \(E_f = { (U,v) \in V \times C : c_f(u, v) > 0}\)
- only includes residual edges with capacity greater than 0
- edges in \(E_f\) are either edges in \(E\) or their reversals → \(|E_f| \leq 2 |E|\)
- Residual network has same properties as a flow network BUT does not satisfy the definition because it can have reverse edges
- augmentation of flow flow \(f\) by \(f'\):
- \(\displaystyle (f \uparrow f')(u, v) = f(u,v) + f'(u,v) - f'(v,u) \qquad \text{if} (u,v) \in E\)
- 0 otherwise
- cancellation - pushing flow on the reverse edge in the residual network
Augmenting Paths
- augmenting path is a simple path from \(s\) to \(t\) in residual network \(G_f\)
- flow on edge \((u,v)\) of augmenting path can be increased by up tp \(c_f(u,v)\)
- in image above: grey path is augmenting path
- smallest residual capacity is 4
- we can increase flow through each edge by 4
- residual capacity of augmenting path \(p\):
\(c_f(p) = min\{c_f(u,v):(u, v)\) is on \(p\}\) - \(f_{p}(u,v) = c_f(p)\) if \((u,v)\) is on \(p\); 0 otherwise
Cuts of flow networks
- cut is a partition of flow network \(V\) into \(S\) and \(T = V-S\) such that \(s \in S\) and \(t \in T\)
net flow across cut:
$$f(S, T) = \sum_{u \in S} \sum_{v \in T} f(u,v) - \sum_{u \in S} \sum_{v \in T} f(v, u) $$ -
capacity of cut:
$$c(S, T) = \sum_{u \in S} \sum_{v \in T} c(u,v) $$ -
for capacity only count edges from \(S\) to \(T\)
- for flow consider edges from \(S\) to \(T\) minus reverse edges from \(T\) to \(S\)
- minimum cut is a cut whose capacity is minimum over all cuts of the network
- for a given flow \(f\) the net flow across any cut is the same and equals \(|f|\) value of flow → let \((S, T)\) be some cut of \(G\), then \(f(S, T) = |f|\)
Max-flow min-cut theorem
- flow is maximum iff residual network contains no augmenting paths
- more formally, following conditions are equivalent:
- \(f\) is the maximum flow in \(G\)
- The residual network \(G_f\) contains no augmenting paths
- \(|F| = c(S, T)\) for some cut \((S, T)\) of \(G\)
Basic Ford-Fulkerson algorithm
- in each iteration: find some augmenting path \(p\) and use \(p\) to modify flow \(f\)
- each edge in \(p\) is an edge in either \(G\) or \(G_f\)
- \(c_f(p)\) - temporary variable that stores residual capacity
- update flow attribute \((u,v).f\) for each edge \((u, v) \in E\)
- done when no more augmenting paths exist → result is the maximum flow
Pseudo code implementation
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Edmonds-Karp algorithm
- use BFS to find augmenting path
- each edge has unit weight
- choose shortest path from \(s\) to \(t\) in residual network
- total number of flow augmentations is \(O(VE)\)
- critical edge of augmenting path: \(c_f(p) = c_f(u,v)\)
- after augmenting the path this critical edge is no longer in \(G_f\)
- at least one edge on any augmenting path must be critical
- edge can become critical at most \(|V| / 2\) times
Running time | algorithm |
\(O(Ef)\) | DFS |
\(O(VE^2)\) | Edmonds-Karp algorithm |
\(O(V^{2}E)\), \(O(V^3)\) | Push-relabel algorithms |