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Graph Algorithms

Summarized notes on Introduction to Algorithms, Chapter 22

Representations of Graphs

  • two standard ways to represent a graph \(G = (V,E)\)
    • adjacency list
    • adjacency matrix

Adjacency List

  • compact way to represent sparse graphs (when \(|E| ≪ |V|^2\))
  • array \(Adj\) is a map of \(|V|\) lists, 1 for each vertex in \(V\)
  • for each \(u ∈ V\), list \(Adj[u]\) contains all vertices \(v\), such that there is an edge \((u, v) ∈ E\)
  • \(Adj[u]\) contains all vertices adjacent to \(u\) in \(G\)



  • if G is directed, sum of lengths of adjacency lists is \(|E|\)
  • if G is undirected, sum of lengths of adjacency lists is \(2|E|\)
  • easy to store attributes, e.g. weight to include multiple attributes
  • iterating over all edges is efficient
  • issue: checking if \((u,v)\) exists requires searching for \(v\) in Adj[u]
  • less space efficient for dense graphs
  • asymptotically at least equally space-efficient as a matrix
  • more complex representation than matrix


\(Ө(V + E)\) Space requirement
\(Ө(degree(u))\) Time to list all vertices adjacent to \(u\)
\(O(degree(u))\) Time to determine whether \((u, v) ∈ E\)
\(O(E)\) Edge weight lookup time

Adjacency Matrix

  • Assume named vertices \(1, 2, ..., |V|\) \(\rightarrow\) representation is \(|V| \cdot |V|\) matrix
  • \(a_{ij}\) is in matrix if \(a_{ij} = 1\), and 0 otherwise
  • Good for representing dense graphs where \(|E|\) close to \(|V|^2\)



  • edge weight maybe stored as value at \(m[i][j]\) and store null if edge does not exist
  • storing multiple attributes maybe hard; depends on implementation
  • easy to check if \((u,v)\) exists
  • for undirected graph the matrix is symmetric (graph is its own transpose) → potential to reduce space requirement almost in half based on this symmetry
  • require only 1 bit ber entry
  • simplest graph representation
  • value 1 at center diagonal (top left → bottom right) indicates a cycle in the graph


\(Ө(V^2)\) Space requirement (independent of number of edges)
\(O(V^2)\) Iterating all edges
\(O(1)\) Time to determine whether \((u, v) ∈ E\)
\(O(1)\) Edge weight lookup time