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Feb 1, 2021

DO-ALL Problem

Recall PRAM comes with (1) synchrony (2) high bandwidth memory and (3) no failures → now remove synchrony.

In a DO-ALL problem, we have: - \(N\) tasks and tasks are indivisible - \(P\) processors and \(N=P\) - all processors do the same task

for pid = 1...P do


Uniprocessor time

\(T_{1,LB}^{*} = \Omega(N)\)     \(T_{1,UB}^{*} = O(N)\)     \(T_1^* = \Theta(N)\)

Parallel time

\(T_P = \Theta(1)\)

\(S = \frac{T_1^*(N)}{T_P(N)} = \frac{\Theta(N)}{\Theta(1)} = \Theta(N) = \Theta(P)\)

\(W = P \cdot T_P(N) = \Theta(P \cdot 1) = \Theta(N) = O(T_1^*(N))\)

When \(W_P = W_{T_1^*}\) work is optimal

Handling asynchrony

One of the biggest problems in parallel computing is distinguishing failed processors from slow processors. If crash occurs then it is detectable.

Fail-Stop processors never perform erroneous state transformation due to failure. Instead, the processor halts and its state is irretrievably lost.

How does asynchrony happen? Can occur from e.g. page faults.

for pid= 1...P pardo
    for i= 1...N
        do task(i)

As long as at least 1 processor does not crash, N tasks will complete; all processors will do \(N\) tasks.

With this strategy: - \(W = P \cdot \Theta(N) = \Theta(N^2)\)no speedup! - Work lower bound is \(\Omega(N)\)

What we want is to find solutions in this space between \(N\) and \(N^2\):


Lower bound for async PRAM DO-ALL is \(\Omega(N \lg N)\). Optimality is not achievable in asynchronous world: the lower bound is \(N \lg N\). No algorithm meets this lower bound.

Algorithms with \(T_P = O(\lg N)\) implies \(W = P \cdot O(\lg N) = O(P \lg N)\). Algorithm is log efficient when the best sequential \(W\) degrades by a log factor.

Oracle vs. Adversary

Goal: finish all tasks.

Challenge: dealing with an adversary who kills processors and tries to slow down progress.

All tasks are: - similar size - idempotent - tasks can be performed repeatedly without harm - independent - order of completion does not matter

Oracle will do perfect load balancing and divide tasks equally between processors.

Adversary kills \(1/2\) of processors on each round.


Adversary loses when \(\frac{N}{2^{k-1}} = 1\):   \(N = 2^{k-1}\)     \(\lg N = {k-1}\)     \(k = \Theta(\lg N)\)

Work per round: \(\frac{N}{2} + \frac{N}{2} + \frac{N}{2} + ...\)\(W = \frac{N}{2} \cdot \Theta(\lg N) = \Theta(N \lg N)\)